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Baby Miss (0-23 months)
Tiny Miss (2-3)
Little Miss (4-5)
Petite Miss (6-7)
Young Miss (8-9)
Junior Miss (10-12)
Preteen Miss (13-14)
Teen Miss Greenbrier (15-17)
Miss Greenbrier (18+)
*Note Miss Greenbrier must be a high school senior regardless of age or currently enrolled in college. You can be 17 and compete in this division if you are about to graduate high school and enrolling in college in the fall.
Contestants 7 and under compete in beauty only.
Contestants 8+ compete in beauty and are expected to introduce themselves on stage.
Teen and Miss Contestants will also compete in interview.
Thank you again to our friends at UACCM, First Service Bank, and Daisy-A-Day for helping us, help these young women!
Miss Greenbrier 2024 was a major success and helped collect over 1400 boxes of cereal for Greenbrier Public Schools and awarded over 2000 in scholarships.
We are bringing back our "Miss Heart of Greenbrier" title, going to the 2 young ladies (0-7 and 8+) who bring the most cereal that will be donated to the children of Greenbrier Public Schools!
"Miss Spirit of Greenbrier" also will be awarded again this year for the contestant chosen as crowd favorite. (0-7 and 8+)
Hannah Rudnick, 2024 Miss Greenbrier
Brinkley Smith, 2023 Miss Greenbrier
CJ Allen, 2022 Miss Greenbrier
Morganne Savage, 2021 Miss Greenbrier
Anna Beth Jeane, 2020 Miss Greenbrier