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Savvy's Soundoff — new beginnings

Here's to 2017!

Ashton Pruitt 2017 Natural Life new beginnings

Here's to 2017!

I can't believe it is now 2017. Talk about how time flies... It seriously has been the fastest year ever; it seems. With 2016 being the first year with our tiniest sales associate on the floor it has really made me appreciate stay-at-home moms, moms who take their little ones to daycare,  women who take their children to work with them. Moms pretty much in general. Looking back at 2016: Balancing life as a wife, mom, daughter, owner of three small businesses, radio morning host, girlboss, and still have time to breathe and enjoy life is obviously a constant struggle...

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Small But Fierce

Ashton Pruitt baby daughter myleigh myleigh pearl new beginnings

Original Post September 15, 2015 As I drove into work this morning lots of emotions. I have been making this drive for six years, and overall I have enjoyed every single moment of it. Through the six years I've seen many changes at the radio station and in my opinion some good and some bad. Regardless, being there surely made me into who I am today. The many friends that I have gained, the wonderful memories, the pride you have when you help a small business flourish, the experience, everything.  When I first found out I was pregnant the last...

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